Lombard Products Terms of Use
Effective January 29, 2018
The following terms and conditions govern your use of this website, www.LombardProducts.com (the “Site”). Your use of the Site and Content (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you should immediately cease use of the Site and Content. The Site presents information and content that is owned by Lombard International Life Assurance Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Lombard") or provided to Lombard by third party investment management organizations. When used in these Terms and Conditions, "we" and "our" mean Lombard and "you" and "your" refers to any individual, company, or legal entity that accesses or otherwise uses the Site.
The Site.
All of the information and content on the Site, including, but not limited to, all text, analyses, reports, articles, graphics, software applications, trademarks, service marks and trade dress ("Content"), may be accessed by policy owners and, where permitted, persons designated by policy owners as “interested parties” with respect to the insurance policies or annuity contracts they own.
Additional Terms.
Lombard maintains this Site and other Lombard websites describing Lombard products and services. These Terms of Use apply only to your use of the Site and Content, and they do not apply to your use of any other Lombard website or products or services otherwise offered by Lombard. We may have established or will establish additional or different terms and conditions for certain products and services. In many instances, our products or services involve sophisticated financial instruments or investments that are regulated by governmental authorities. You agree to review all applicable terms and conditions relating to Lombard's products and services. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions on the Site and such additional terms and conditions, the additional terms and conditions govern and control. If you are an insurance professional with whom Lombard has entered into a selling, agency or similar agreement, your relationship with Lombard is also governed by those other agreements, as applicable. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions on the Site and such policy or account agreements, your policy and account agreements govern and control.
Do Not Rely on This Website for Your Financial Decisions or Recommendations.
The Content on the Site is for convenience and information purposes only. You should consult your financial and legal advisors, and independently verify all Content provided through the Site before you make decisions. Nothing on the Site constitutes an offer to sell or buy any product. Nothing on the Site should be construed as rendering tax, legal, investment, or accounting advice.
Ownership and Use of Content.
All Content on the Site is owned by Lombard. The Content is protected worldwide by applicable intellectual property laws. You may make and use printouts of the Content for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided that the printouts retain all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices. Lombard reserves the right to terminate at any time your right to make personal copies of Content. You may not copy, transmit, distribute, modify, publicly perform, reuse, sell or display any of the Content for any public or commercial purpose except with the prior written consent of Lombard, which may be withheld in Lombard’s absolute discretion. You may not use the Content in any other website or in a network computer environment, including framing the Content within another website. Except for the limited use rights expressly provided in this paragraph, all rights in Content are reserved. All other trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and icons are the trademarks of Lombard International Life Assurance Company or third parties where indicated. Other materials on the Site are a copyright of or proprietary to Lombard International Life Assurance Company or used under permission of the owner thereof. Except when included in any authorized printouts of the Content, you are not authorized to make any other use of Lombard's marks, including, but not limited to, as metatags or in any other fashion that may create a false or misleading impression of affiliation or sponsorship with or by Lombard.
All information obtained from the Site, other than (i) information that was known to you prior to the disclosure to you and (ii) information that is in the public domain at the time of disclosure to you, is confidential in nature and may not be shared by any you with any other party or used for any purpose other than evaluation the merits of an investment opportunity listed on the Site (such information, “Confidential Information”); provided that, (a) you may share Confidential Information obtained from the Site with your legal, tax or other professional advisors to the extent that such advisors have been notified of the confidential nature of the information obtained from this Site and (b) upon any request of a governmental, supervisory or regulatory body, you shall be permitted to disclose Confidential Information to such governmental or regulatory body (a “Permitted Disclosure”); provided that, to the extent permitted, you provides notice of such request and disclosure to Lombard. You acknowledge that Lombard will be irreparably harmed if the confidentiality obligations hereunder are not specifically enforced and that Lombard International would not have an adequate remedy at law in the event of an actual or threatened violation by you of its confidentiality obligations hereunder. Therefore, you agree and consent that, except in the context of a Permitted Disclosure, Lombard shall be entitled to seek an injunction or any appropriate decree of specific performance for any actual or threatened violation or breaches by you, without the posting of any bond, and such other relief as may be just and proper, including the right to recover all losses or damages suffered by Lombard resulting from any such breach or threatened breach. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password used to access the Site and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. You may not assign, otherwise transfer or disclose your username, password, account or any information obtained from the Site to any other person or entity. You acknowledge that Lombard is not responsible for third party access to your account that results from theft or misappropriation of your account. Lombard reserves the right to refuse or cancel service, terminate accounts, or remove or edit content in our sole discretion.
Links from this site, if any, to a non-Lombard site may be provided for the user's convenience only. Lombard does not control or review these third-party sites nor does the provision of a link imply any endorsement of, or association with, such non-Lombard sites. Your linking to any websites from the Site is at your own risk. Subject to the terms of applicable service or other agreements, we will remove any link from the Site upon request from the owner of the linked website.
Your use of the Site and Content is at your own risk. Content may become inaccurate as a result of developments after its publication on the Site. Lombard assumes no responsibility to keep Content current or to correct inaccuracies or errors in Content. The Content on the Site and the operation of it are provided "as is" and for informational purposes only, and Lombard disclaims all representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, title, non-infringement, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. Certain jurisdictions may not permit certain disclaimers of warranties. In such case, we disclaim warranties to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law.
Your Responsibility for Security.
Lombard does not warrant that the website will operate error free or is free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other destructive or harmful code. Lombard assumes no liability or responsibility for any damages to you, your computer, or other property due to your access to, use of, or downloading of Content. If you download or copy Content from the Site, you are responsible for taking all reasonable precautions necessary to ensure the security and integrity of your computer and systems, including employing current virus protection software.
In no event shall Lombard or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Site or Content on Lombard's behalf be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect, lost profits, loss of business or data, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, or inability to access or use, the Site or any Content, or the performance of any product on the Site.
Lombard reserves the right to change the Content on the Site and these Terms of Use from time to time at any time without prior notice. The changes may include superseding terms and conditions or specific notices. YOU SHOULD REVIEW THESE TERMS OF USE FROM TIME TO TIME TO BE AWARE OF ANY CHANGES THAT ARE MADE. Your continued use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of any change or update, all of which shall become controlling when posted.
The Site does not intend to market any Lombard products or services to children under thirteen (13) years of age. Lombard does not knowingly gather or solicit data from children under thirteen (13) years of age through the Site for marketing purposes. By using the Site you represent that you are not under thirteen (13) years of age. You can learn more about children's privacy and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) at the Federal Trade Commission's website at http://www.ftc.gov.
Governing Law.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, without giving effect to conflict of law principles thereof.
United States Only.
The services and products described and information provided through the Site are directed to and are intended to be made available only to persons in the United States and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any other country or any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or that would subject Lombard to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. Persons who access the Site do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. Software and other materials from the Site may be subject to export controls imposed by the United States and may not be downloaded or otherwise exported to any country or anyone prohibited by law. Lombard prohibits your downloading or exporting of software or other material from the Site in violation of U.S. Export Laws and the laws of your resident country. By downloading software or other material from the Site, you represent and warrant that you are able to do so in full compliance with the laws of the United States and your resident country.
Lombard reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or restrict your use of all or any part of the website, without notice, for any or no reason, and without liability to you or anyone else. The Terms of Use relating to Ownership and Use of Content, Limitation of Liability, Warranty Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability, and Governing Law shall survive any termination.